Hey Sister-Friend!  Welcome to The Women's Empowerment Institute!

The Women's Empowerment Institute is a member-driven community + online empowerment and education platform. 

Our mission is to help you become the best you possible in business and in life.

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Hey there! I'm Cheryl

Welcome to the Women's Empowerment Institute!

An online membership empowerment and education platform. Where we focus on enriching your life, body, mind, & soul...through virtual training sessions, online courses, done for you tools, templates, networking events, speakers series, and masterminds.

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The Women's Empowerment Institute Membership Kickoff











Youā€™ve landed in the right place! This is YOUR community. OUR Community.

The Womenā€™s Empowerment Institute is the place for those who:

  • Are interested in surrounding yourself with women who have positive energy and take inspired actions towards moving their businesses forward.

  • Want to be part of a powerful, loving community focused on helping you succeed, find peace of mind, and grow in confidence.
  • Believe in the intelligence and power of community/sisterhood.
  • Have always strived and continue to strive for female empowerment.

  • Regardless of age, are continuously on the lookout for new and original ways to excel.

  • Are interested in a membership that truly supports internal and external growth.

If any of this sounds like something you’ve been longing for, then come journey with us. 

Every Pillar of the Women’s Empowerment Institute Membership is created to help you take inspired action toward success! Whether it’s a live call with me and the community, an exercise one of our speakers offers during a mastermind session, a wellbeing meditation, or an answer to intimate earnest questions… Each nurturing conversation—within ourselves or with me — invites the practice of bringing forward the best you possible in business and in life.

Create the conditions to make your vision-driven business and dream lifestyle a reality by joining the journey with us.


Sign Up To Become A Founding Members Today

Become a Founding Member!

Join our community before  March 30th and get 73% off for LIFE! 

2022 Monthly Founding Member Pricing


3 Month Minimum, Billed Monthly

  • Bi-Weekly Business Trainings (2 per month)
  • Monthly Masterminds/Speaker Series
  • Full Access To Recordings
  • Mindfulness, Meditation & Yoga Classes
  • Access To My Online Course Library
  • Access To Online Resources

2022 Annual Founding Member Pricing


Most Popular

  • Bi-Weekly Business Trainings (2 per month)
  • Monthly Masterminds/Speaker Series
  • Full Access To Recordings
  • Mindfulness, Meditation & Yoga Classes
  • Access To My Online Course Library
  • Access To Online Resources
  • A Free 90 minute 1:1 coaching session ($300 value)

Our 3 Foundational Pillars:

Small Business, Wellbeing, Personal Growth

Pillar 1: Small Business

As women business owners life can get overwhelming, complicated, and lonely AF!  As a member, you will never be alone.  We are committed to helping you thrive and, as a community, we are choosing to hold space for one another and share our secrets of success and real-life experiences in business.

There are women's empowerment programs that claim to help women, but leave out key ingredients to true success. 

From the technical side, in this pillar of the membership, you will find online courses designed to enrich, empower and equip you in the area of small business success. The courses are simple and filled with content that has been designed to be actionable and easy to implement.

In addition to courses, we have our mastermind sessions + speaker series, which will focus on providing information that can be effectively be used in all levels of business; start-up tasks, marketing, branding, leadership, outsourcing, sales funnels, business design, online course creation, kajabi web design, podcasting, etc.

Join Us Today

Pillar 2: Wellbeing

Wellbeing ~ The state of being comfortable, healthy, and happy.

 Oh, now we're getting to my favorite part!  Wellbeing activities and tools will be woven into every aspect of our membership.  It is essential to helping you become the best you possible!  As busy women/business owners, it's so important to understand how to connect the dots in your life's path and the synchronicities. One dot leads to another one on your path, which then transforms into inspired actions, that are discovered by incorporating lifestyle changes and embracing self-discovery tools such as mindfulness, journaling, meditation, yoga, better nutrition, feng shui, etc.

Feelings of wellbeing are fundamental to the overall health of each woman, enabling you to successfully overcome difficulties and achieve what you want in your life.  Having a community of like-minded women to talk with during these transformational times can be so powerful!  

Our women's empowerment support reaches far beyond what the eyes can see.

This sounds amazing. Yep I'm In...

Pillar 3: Personal Growth

In this pillar, we will circle our hearts and hold space for one another. This is where your personal superpower will be nurtured, expanded, and enriched.  Have you ever felt like you had no one to talk to about menopause and setting boundariesI totally get it, been there done that!  In this membership, you will find a community of like-minded women, as well as professionals who will join us and provide insights on how to deal with transitions like these.  

We are a women's empowerment network that is interwoven through each Heart.

Our gatherings will also explore topics surrounding selfishness vs self-care, self-love, confidence, courage, and we may even dip our toes into relationships.  

We will share the mindset, motivation, and inspirational content that you can work with on your own to develop as an empowered woman, equipped with tools to help you navigate your professional, personal and spiritual life. Through our women's empowerment programs we will grow wiser together.

Dang all of this for $27/month? Signing Up Now

Ready to get started?

The Women's Empowerment Institute is on a mission to help you become the best you possible through our women's empowerment network, programs and support!  How will we help you do that? 

With love, compassion, education & community.  

Become a member today!

My name is Cheryl, & I've got so much that I want to share with YOU! 

As the Founder I want you to know that creating this membership has been a long time in the making.  My passion for empowering women started as a young girl. I've always made connected easily with other women. If you were to ask my childhood best friend, she would say I was the popular one that everyone wanted to hang out with. So we did! 

As I've matured 'hanging out' with friends has morphed into connecting with like-minded women on their entrepreneurial journey, sharing the wealth of knowledge about business, wellbeing, and personal growth that I've gained from many experiences.

Over the years on my journey through corporate life and into entrepreneurship, I have not only learned the lessons that apply to business but gone through and continue to go through a spiritual awakening and journey. 

In the membership, where I've created the space for intimate conversations and judgment-free zones, you'll learn more about my journey and hopefully will be inspired to share your own. 

Your sister-friend, 


I'd love to be an inspiration. Join us today!

What Women Are Saying...

Paula London Scott

The opportunity to work with Cheryl Cooper has truly been a Blessing! Having her as my IT Website Designer/Business Coach and Mentor has been a Joyful Learning Experience!

Cheryl Cooper-"The Cheryl Cooper" Empowered Me by adding Value and Growth to Me and My Brand-OPEULENT GROUP LLC!

Thank You Cheryl Cooper for all that you have taught me while in the Website Development stage!

This has been an awesome experience! I look forward to working with you a whole lot more in the future!

Jeanette Paxia

I worked on my project for months and just couldn't get it completed until I met Cheryl. With Cheryl's experience and attention to detail, she was able to support me in finishing my project If I had worked with Cheryl from the beginning, it would have been completed last year. It was so nice to brainstorm with someone who knows what she is doing. I am one of those women who likes to do everything herself, so I hesitated in reaching out for assistance, after this experience I won't ever hesitate again. If you're looking for someone who is easy to work with, has the knowledge and insight to support you in your goals, then Cheryl is the perfect person for you.