The next Cohort Starts January 2025.

Ready To Kick Kajabi To The Curb Because You Can't Figure Out How To Use It To... 

Make Money Online?

Fed Up With Wasting Money Every Month?  What If I Could Help You Fix That In 90-Days?

Ready To Kick Kajabi To The Curb Because You Can't Figure Out How To Use It To... 

Make Money Online?

Fed Up With Wasting Money Every Month?  What If I Could Help You Fix That In 90-Days?

Are you a Kajabi user who is feeling lonely and overwhelmed? Like you’re stranded on an island with all the tools you need to build your business but don’t know how to connect the pieces to be successful and make money?

What If You Could Create a Clear Plan of Action to

Make More Money

by launching a product or course in the Next 90 Days?🚀💰🤑

What If You could Create a Clear Plan of Action to

Make More Money

by launching a product or course in the Next 90 Days?🚀💰🤑

Do you have a second to talk?

You’ve been trying to figure this Kajabi thing out!

I see you in the Expert requests and Partner Facebook groups..

You DM me on social media or you’ve been coached by me in the past and are ready to level up your Kajabi skills. With the changes in the economy, you see the importance of expanding your business and you’re ready to put your dream to the test and launch a new product, but can’t figure out how to move forward and are determined that something has to give. 

You're paying for Kajabi and not using it to its full potential.

You're feeling frustrated and helpless because you don't understand how it works.

You're frustrated because you know you’re wasting money.

You're bubbling over with ideas but don't have the skills to create your online program alone.

You're stuck and need Kajabi help, but past disappointments make you hesitant to trust someone new.

Hey, I get it! I’ve been there…

A few years ago I too was feeling frustrated and overwhelmed but my gut was telling me that Kajabi is the platform I needed to grow my own online business.

I too was angry, embarrassed, and scared as crap.  I had invested tons of money in certifications, was hosting free masterminds, hadn't earned a dime, and couldn't figure out how to get a return on my investment without an online coaching program, course, or membership.  So many sleepless nights!

But…I was determined to build the business of my dreams on the platform that suited my vision and expertise. And Kajabi was that tool. WordPress was too confusing, I hated dealing with plugins, and trying to find a skilled web designer to assist me was freaking impossible.

All I wanted to focus on was
building my business and  mentoring my clients NOT maintaining a website

Hey, I get it! I’ve been there…

A few years ago I too was feeling frustrated and overwhelmed but my gut was telling me that Kajabi is the platform I needed to grow my own online business.

I too was angry, embarrassed, and scared as crap.  I had invested tons of money in certifications, was hosting free masterminds, hadn't earned a dime, and couldn't figure out how to get a return on my investment without an online coaching program, course, or membership.  So many sleepless nights!

But…I was determined to build the business of my dreams on the platform that suited my vision and expertise. And Kajabi was that tool. WordPress was too confusing, I hated dealing with plugins, and trying to find a skilled web designer to assist me was freaking impossible.

All I wanted to focus on was  building my business and mentoring my clients NOT maintaining a website

So I got busy learning about the benefits of Kajabi and teaching myself how to use it! These facts motivated me...

  • Kajabi has helped users generate over $2 billion in revenue via online courses and digital products.
  • In 2022 ~ 302,790 new products were created using Kajabi.
  • 40% of online business owners, use online courses/digital products to generate online revenue.
  • 38% of people in the creator economy monetized their live courses/webinars.
  • 37% of people in the creator economy monetized their coaching business.
  • 29% of people in the creator economy monetized their podcasts.

In today's rapidly changing world, building a strong community and sharing your message is no longer an option, it's a necessity for success.  

People are waiting for you to show up and share!...

The power of your message cannot be underestimated.  When you launch your digital products and programs people will feel:


Your content can create a sense of belonging. In an unstable world, people long for connection and belonging. By launching products and sharing your message, you can create a space where like-minded individuals come together to support and uplift each other, nurturing a sense of belonging in the process.

Trust and Credibility:

You need to establish trust and credibility: When you openly share your message and consistently deliver high-quality products, you build trust and credibility within your community. This trust fosters loyalty and ensures that your customers will return to your brand time and time again.

Foster Brand Loyalty:

You will foster brand loyalty: Next-gen brands understand the importance of building communities first. By focusing on community engagement and interaction, you create a bond with your customers that goes beyond the transactional, ultimately reshaping brand loyalty.

Boost Visibility & Awareness:

You will boost visibility and awareness. Sharing your message and launching new products puts your brand on the map, allowing you to reach new audiences and expand your customer base. As your community grows, so does your influence and impact on the world.

Encourage Others To Thrive!

You will encourage innovation and creativity. Launching new products and sharing your message provides an opportunity to showcase your creativity and passion. This, in turn, encourages your community to think outside the box and challenge the status quo, fostering an environment of innovation and growth.

In today's rapidly changing world, building a strong community and sharing your message is no longer an option, it's a necessity for success.  

People are waiting for you to show up and share!...

The power of your message cannot be underestimated.  When you launch your digital products and programs people will feel:


Your content can create a sense of belonging. In an unstable world, people long for connection and belonging. By launching products and sharing your message, you can create a space where like-minded individuals come together to support and uplift each other, nurturing a sense of belonging in the process.

Trust and Credibility:

You need to establish trust and credibility: When you openly share your message and consistently deliver high-quality products, you build trust and credibility within your community. This trust fosters loyalty and ensures that your customers will return to your brand time and time again.

Foster Brand Loyalty:

You will foster brand loyalty: Next-gen brands understand the importance of building communities first. By focusing on community engagement and interaction, you create a bond with your customers that goes beyond the transactional, ultimately reshaping brand loyalty.

Boost Visibility & Awareness:

You will boost visibility and awareness. Sharing your message and launching new products puts your brand on the map, allowing you to reach new audiences and expand your customer base. As your community grows, so does your influence and impact on the world.

Encourage Others To Thrive!

You will encourage innovation and creativity. Launching new products and sharing your message provides an opportunity to showcase your creativity and passion. This, in turn, encourages your community to think outside the box and challenge the status quo, fostering an environment of innovation and growth.

So, take the leap and unleash your potential today. Together, we can create a brighter and more connected future.✨⚡

But you just feel stuck!

Here’s what I hear most from clients...

🚀 I Want To Do It Myself:

I want to learn how to use Kajabi myself. So, I can make changes whenever I want. But I want to learn from someone who can answer questions as we go. Someone LIVE walking me through the steps and busting my tech confidence.

🔥 Solution:

In Getting IT Done With Kajabi we will have bi-monthly cohort sessions that include a 15-minute teaching session followed by 45 minutes of working sessions. I will showcase all of the steps needed to build a single product.

🚀 Lost Investment:

I’m wasting money! One of the main concerns people have about not using Kajabi is the fear wasting money. If you’re already paying for a subscription, you may worry that you’re wasting money if you’re not using the platform to its fullest potential.

🔥 Solution:

With business coaching and product design launch taught by the correct Kajabi Expert, you should never feel like your site and product isn’t capable of generating revenue for you.

🚀 Missed Opportunities:

You may also fear that if they do not use Kajabi, you are missing out on potential opportunities to monetize your knowledge or expertise. For example, you may miss out on potential sales of online courses, coaching program or digital products that they could have created using Kajabi.

🔥 Solution:

With an experienced coach, you’ll gain the ability to create the exact product and strategic funnel set up you need to ensure you have what is needed to never miss a sale again.

🚀 Competitive Disadvantage:

Finally, you may worry that if they do not use Kajabi, you may be at a competitive disadvantage compared to others in your field. You may feel like your competitors are using Kajabi to create and sell online courses or digital products, and that you are falling behind and missing out on potential customers or clients.

🔥 Solution:

In 2022, 66,671 new websites were built on Kajabi and their were 593,810 launched their product. So, you’ll be in great company when your Kajabi site and programs are live and selling.

But you just feel stuck!

Here’s what I hear most
from clients...

🚀 I Want To Do It Myself:

I want to learn how to use Kajabi myself. So, I can make changes whenever I want. But I want to learn from someone who can answer questions as we go. Someone LIVE walking me through the steps and busting my tech confidence.

🔥 Solution:

In Getting IT Done With Kajabi we will have bi-monthly cohort sessions that include a 15-minute teaching session followed by 45 minutes of working sessions. I will showcase all of the steps needed to build a single product.

🚀 Lost Investment:

I’m wasting money! One of the main concerns people have about not using Kajabi is the fear wasting money. If you’re already paying for a subscription, you may worry that you’re wasting money if you’re not using the platform to its fullest potential.

🔥 Solution:

With business coaching and product design launch taught by the correct Kajabi Expert, you should never feel like your site and product isn’t capable of generating revenue for you.

🚀 Missed Opportunities:

You may also fear that if they do not use Kajabi, you are missing out on potential opportunities to monetize your knowledge or expertise. For example, you may miss out on potential sales of online courses, coaching program or digital products that they could have created using Kajabi.

🔥 Solution:

With an experienced coach, you’ll gain the ability to create the exact product and strategic funnel set up you need to ensure you have what is needed to never miss a sale again.

🚀 Competitive Disadvantage:

Finally, you may worry that if they do not use Kajabi, you may be at a competitive disadvantage compared to others in your field. You may feel like your competitors are using Kajabi to create and sell online courses or digital products, and that you are falling behind and missing out on potential customers or clients.

🔥 Solution:

In 2022, 66,671 new websites were built on Kajabi and their were 593,810 launched their product. So, you’ll be in great company when your Kajabi site and programs are live and selling.

This Is A Done With You 90-Day Mastermind Focused On Helping You Up Level Your Kajabi Skills & Launch Your Product or Course.  So You Can Start 

Making Money!

 I'll share Kajabi Expert designer shortcuts, strategies, and processes that will help you simplify your future product launches.

This Is A Done With You 90-Day Mastermind Focused On Helping You Up Level Your Kajabi Skills & Launch Your Product or Course. So You Can Start

Making Money!

I'll share Kajabi Expert designer shortcuts, strategies, and processes that will help you simplify your future product launches.

"If you’ve got a Kajabi subscription, are coachable and willing to do the work, are semi-tech savvy, have an idea of a product that you want to launch in the next 90 days, aren’t afraid to use ChatGPT, and are looking to earn revenue in 2023, keep reading to learn about the Getting IT Done With Kajabi Mastermind ~ strategically designed to help launch a product and succeed quickly."

 Here's what you'll get!

Bonus:  Pre-mastermind ~ must be completed during the week of 4/24/23

A free 1:1 sales funnel strategy session to ensure you're clear about which product you'll launch in the 90-day mastermind. (valued at $300)  

One monthly, 60-minute online group coaching/training session held on the 1st Wednesday of the month.  Recordings will be made available. 

Two, 90-minute online group working sessions each month, held Wednesdays.

An online community where knowledge can be shared openly regarding your product design process and ask questions, etc.  

Connect with me via Slack from 11-3 pm ET Monday – Thursday

Assistance with creating your product launch email marketing campaign

20% discount on the Kajabi maintenance package offered by The Cheryl Cooper

Lifetime access to the Getting IT Done With Kajabi Community

Free copy of The Coaches Toolkit ~  Product Launch workbook

Join by January 14, 2025: Free copy of the entire Coaches Toolkit Bundle (5 workbooks)


Here's what you'll get!

Bonus:  Pre-mastermind ~ must be completed during the week of 4/17/23

A free 1:1 sales funnel strategy session to ensure you're clear about which product you'll launch in the 90-day mastermind. (valued at $300) 

One monthly, 60-minute online group coaching/training session held on the 1st Wednesday of the month. Recordings will be made available.

Two, 90-minute online group working sessions each month, held Wednesdays.

An online community where knowledge can be shared openly regarding your product design process and ask questions, etc.

Connect with me via Slack from 11-3 pm ET Monday – Thursday

Assistance with creating your product launch email marketing campaign

20% discount on the Kajabi maintenance package offered by The Cheryl Cooper

Lifetime access to the Getting IT Done With Kajabi Community

Free copy of The Coaches Toolkit ~ Product Launch workbook

Join by April 15, 2023: Free copy of the entire Coaches Toolkit Bundle (5 workbooks)


In this mastermind, you will learn to work with Kajabi at a new level. You will learn to use the core features like how to:

Customize landing page and product templates + design products 

Create forms, events/countdowns, opt-ins, and lead magnets 

Design offers, pricing +  automation, and checkout pages

Set up an affiliate program.

Use the CRM system to manage contacts and tags

Design a sales funnel within the platform

Use the email marketing system to create your product launch campaign

Ask phase questions when chatting with  online customer support


In this mastermind, you will learn to work with Kajabi at a new level. You will learn to use the core features like how to:

Customize landing page and product templates + design products

Create forms, events/countdowns, opt-ins, and lead magnets

Design offers, pricing +  automation, and checkout pages

Set up an affiliate program.

Use the CRM system to manage contacts and tags

Design a sales funnel within the platform

Use the email marketing system to create your product launch campaign

Ask phase questions when chatting with  online customer support

That's Exactly What I Need To Learn. Signing Up Now!!

When you're feeling overwhelmed and stuck, do you ever stop and ask yourself...What the hell do I really need?  Is it a business coach, consultant, web designer, course creator, or techie?  I'm going to suggest that you need a Kajabi Expert!  

Why?  Because we provide...

Expert assistance and guidance:

You can expect to be working with a Kajabi expert who specializes in coaching, web content design, online course development and digital products can offer a range of benefits to clients who want to create and sell online courses or other digital products.

Expertise in course design:

A Kajabi Expert who specializes in web design and online course development can provide guidance on everything from course structure and content creation to pricing and marketing. They can help you to design a course that is engaging, informative, and aligned with the needs of your target audience.

Technical knowledge:

Kajabi Expert who specialize in digital products can help you to set up and manage your products on the platform, ensuring that everything is functioning smoothly, and your customers have a positive experience. They can also troubleshoot technical issues and provide ongoing support to ensure that your products are always up-to-date and accessible.

Access to expertise:

Kajabi experts have in-depth knowledge of the platform and can offer valuable insights and advice on how to optimize your product offerings for success. They can provide guidance on everything from course design and pricing to marketing and customer engagement, helping you to create a program that delivers real results for your clients.

Customization and branding:

A Kajabi expert can help you to customize and brand your digital products to align with your business and target audience. They can work with you to create a unique look and feel for your products, from the website design to the product content and marketing materials.

Ability to achieve faster results:

By working with a Kajabi expert, you can launch your product offering faster and start generating revenue sooner. With the expert's guidance, you can avoid common pitfalls and mistakes that might slow down your progress, allowing you to achieve your goals more quickly.

Time and cost savings:

By working with a Kajabi expert, you can save time and money in the development and launch of your digital products. With the expert's guidance, you can avoid common pitfalls and mistakes that might slow down your progress, allowing you to achieve your goals more quickly and effectively.

Ongoing support and maintenance:

As Kajabi experts offer ongoing support and maintenance services to ensure that your digital products continue to run smoothly and deliver results for your customers. This can include things like troubleshooting technical issues, updating content, and providing customer support.

Working with a Kajabi Expert who specializes in web design, course creation, and digital product development skyrockets your potential for successfully creating and selling high-quality digital products on Kajabi!

When you're feeling overwhelmed and stuck, do you ever stop and ask yourself...What the hell do I really need? Is it a business coach, consultant, web designer, course creator, or techie? I'm going to suggest that you need a Kajabi Expert!

Why? Because we provide...

Expert assistance and guidance:

You can expect to be working with a Kajabi expert who specializes in coaching, web content design, online course development and digital products can offer a range of benefits to clients who want to create and sell online courses or other digital products.

Expertise in course design:

A Kajabi Expert who specializes in web design and online course development can provide guidance on everything from course structure and content creation to pricing and marketing. They can help you to design a course that is engaging, informative, and aligned with the needs of your target audience.

Technical knowledge:

Kajabi Expert who specialize in digital products can help you to set up and manage your products on the platform, ensuring that everything is functioning smoothly, and your customers have a positive experience. They can also troubleshoot technical issues and provide ongoing support to ensure that your products are always up-to-date and accessible.

Access to expertise:

Kajabi experts have in-depth knowledge of the platform and can offer valuable insights and advice on how to optimize your product offerings for success. They can provide guidance on everything from course design and pricing to marketing and customer engagement, helping you to create a program that delivers real results for your clients.

Customization and branding:

A Kajabi expert can help you to customize and brand your digital products to align with your business and target audience. They can work with you to create a unique look and feel for your products, from the website design to the product content and marketing materials.

Ability to achieve faster results:

By working with a Kajabi expert, you can launch your product offering faster and start generating revenue sooner. With the expert's guidance, you can avoid common pitfalls and mistakes that might slow down your progress, allowing you to achieve your goals more quickly.

Time and cost savings:

By working with a Kajabi expert, you can save time and money in the development and launch of your digital products. With the expert's guidance, you can avoid common pitfalls and mistakes that might slow down your progress, allowing you to achieve your goals more quickly and effectively.

Ongoing support and maintenance:

As Kajabi experts offer ongoing support and maintenance services to ensure that your digital products continue to run smoothly and deliver results for your customers. This can include things like troubleshooting technical issues, updating content, and providing customer support.

Working with a Kajabi Expert who specializes in web design, course creation, and digital product development skyrockets your potential for successfully creating and selling high-quality digital products on Kajabi!

Hey, Hey!! I'm Cheryl...

A qualified Kajabi Expert and business coach with more than 25 years of corporate IT management consulting experience, performing system implementations, leading teams, and working with stakeholders worldwide.

I've been using Kajabi for 3 years and before that, I designed sites using Infusionsoft (Keap), Wix, and WordPress. I'm a visionary, strategic thinker, and highly process-oriented, and can help clients think beyond their stinking thinking to come up with innovative business ideas. I have written a lot of sales copy, designed courses for business owners and corporate, and worked with sales teams for over 10 years. I have designed websites and digital products for clients and myself using Kajabi, for the last couple of years and LOVE IT.  I have multiple coaching certifications and have hosted women-only masterminds, business, spiritual, and leadership (i.e. Live2Lead) events live and online.  Masterminds, Kajabi, and Mindfulness are my Jams! 

I'm a lifetime member of the MyNams community which is like having access to an online business university.

As a successful entrepreneur, I know what it takes to create and design offers and products that meet the needs of clients and help them achieve their goals faster. And if I don't have the answer to an online business question, I have a strong network of industry experts in myNams community (the owner is my coach) and Kajabi Heroes to turn to for support.

With over 10 years of experience as a side hustler and now a full-time entrepreneur, I understand the challenges and triumphs of building a successful online business. I've worked with Fortune 500 companies, leading employee and end-user training sessions for small to multibillion-dollar software applications.

As a member of the Maxwell Leadership Team President Advisory Committee marketing team for three years and the Mindful Leader Advisory Council, I've honed my skills in leadership and business strategy. I bring this expertise to my mastermind program to help entrepreneurs like you craft income-generating online businesses that thrive.

By incorporating corporate system implementation, project management, business process design, and training experience into my coaching process, I offer a unique perspective that sets my program apart. Join me in the Getting IT Done with Kajabi mastermind to take your business to new heights and achieve the success you deserve.

"Cheryl is an excellent Kajabi and Business Coach. Working with her was smooth as butter. She designed my website and multiple landing pages and then taught me how to navigate the Kajabi platform with ease so that I could maintain my site on my own."

Keith Sorsdal

"I worked on my project for months and just couldn't get it completed until I met Cheryl. With Cheryl's experience and attention to detail, she was able to support me in finishing my project. If I had worked with Cheryl from the beginning, it would have been completed last year. It was so nice to brainstorm with someone who knows what she is doing. I am one of those women who likes to do everything herself, so I hesitated in reaching out for assistance, after this experience I won't ever hesitate again. If you're looking for someone who is easy to work with and has the knowledge and insight to support you in your goals, then Cheryl is the perfect person for you."

Jeannette Paxia

⚡✨This mastermind is designed to tackle one of your biggest challenges that will help you move towards less overwhelm, less chaos, less confusion, less exhaustion and more sales, more free time, more enjoyment in your business and more enjoyment in your personal life… in the next 90 days🔥🚀💰


"I have been working with Cheryl for 7 years now and she is amazing! She is a consummate professional, with a diverse background and understanding of corporate, small business, online business, and personal growth industries. Cheryl will be a priceless addition to your team. Don’t delay, Sign-up Today!"

Dawn Kirk

"I'm Larissa Russell of Creative U Healing. I just want to commend Cheryl on the amazing work she does. She has been so helpful as a seasoned Kajabi web developer you can go to her with any questions. Or if you need a page built, if you need any help with anything Kajabi, she is your go-to person. And you are definitely going to want to check her out because she can help you with everything Kajabi."

Larissa Russell

Getting IT Done With Kajabi is for you if you have:

A coachable spirit that is high vibe and willing to do the work + learn new skills.

A desire to be part of a community of likeminded people.

An active Kajabi subscription or are ready to start a subscription today.

A product idea in mind and it’s 50% complete and ready to be put into Kajabi.

An email list (optional), brand logo + colors.

A social media presence or a place to market your product (networking, Eventbrite, etc.).

The ability to create graphics that can be resized to fit Kajabi.

Profession quality headshots and bio or the ability to get them before the mastermind ends.


Getting IT Done With Kajabi is for you if you have:

A coachable spirit that is high vibe and willing to do the work + learn new skills.

A desire to be part of a community of likeminded people.

An active Kajabi subscription or are ready to start a subscription today.

A product idea in mind and it’s 50% complete and ready to be put into Kajabi.

An email list (optional), brand logo + colors.

A social media presence or a place to market your product (networking, Eventbrite, etc.).

The ability to create graphics that can be resized to fit Kajabi.

Profession quality headshots and bio or the ability to get them before the mastermind ends.

I Definitely Qualify. Signing Up Now!
The Opportunity to work with Cheryl Cooper has truly been a Blessing! Having her as my IT Website Designer/Business Coach and Mentor has been a Joyful Learning Experience! Cheryl Cooper - "The Cheryl Cooper" Empowered Me by adding Value and Growth to Me and My Brand-OPEULENT GROUP LLC!

~ Paula London Scott

I just wanted to tell you about Cheryl Cooper and her amazing work as a Kajabi website designer and knowledge of Kajabi tools. Cheryl is just the go-to person for any of your build needs with Kajabi she's the person to get you on your road to freedom.

~ Kate Milne

Cheryl has been a Godsend for me in helping to get my business resurrected. She is a coach who listens with a refined ear, and clearly understands the mission of my company. Her ideas are creative and relevant, and her instruction is very sound. She is always smart, calm, and uplifting. I highly recommend Cheryl to anyone who is ready to take their small business to the next level.

~ Melissa Anthony

Cheryl Cooper has been a fantastic asset to me and my business! Cheryl has helped me develop my website, which has helped draw a lot of attention and executes my brand and messaging perfectly! Cheryl has also been a great coach and mentor as well. She has offered me a clear-cut direction and path and was able to share her personal experiences as an entrepreneur and communicate with me as well. I was able to develop my messaging and create and deliver to my clients in the most valuable and impressive ways because of the knowledge Cheryl could share with me. I recommend The Cheryl Cooper! She is perfect for helping entrepreneurs get where they want to be with everything she offers!

~ Piarre Armstrong



Easy Breezy Option - One Payment Now 2 More Billed Monthly

  • Bonus:  Pre-mastermind ~ must be completed during the week of 1/6/25

    A free 1:1 sales funnel strategy session to ensure you're clear about which product you'll launch in the 90-day mastermind. (valued at $300)  

  • One monthly, 60-minute online training session is held on the 1st Wednesday of the month. Recordings will be made available. (3 in total)
  • Two, 90-minute online group working sessions each month, held on the 2nd & 3rd Wednesdays. (6 in total)
  • An online community where knowledge can be shared openly regarding your product design process and ask questions, etc.
  • Connect with me via Slack from 11-3 pm ET Monday – Thursday
  • Assistance with creating your product launch email marketing campaignSmall Group, personalized attention
  • Limited to a max of 10 people per mastermind cohort (small group personalized attention)
  • 20% discount on the Kajabi maintenance package offered by The Cheryl Cooper
  • Lifetime access to the Getting IT Done With Kajabi Community
  • A free copy of The Coaches Toolkit ~ Product Launch workbook
  • Bonus: pop-up online business education sessions held by Cheryl & special guests, to teach about online marketing, and how to use PLR + AI to create content for landing pages, websites, social media, etc.
  • Join by January 6, 2025: Free copy of the entire Coaches Toolkit Bundle (5 workbooks)

One Time Payment

$1097/single payment

Best Deal - One Payment Now

  • Bonus:  Pre-mastermind ~ must be completed during the week of 1/6/25

    A free 1:1 sales funnel strategy session to ensure you're clear about which product you'll launch in the 90-day mastermind. (valued at $300)  

  • One monthly, 60-minute online training session is held on the 1st Wednesday of the month. Recordings will be made available. (3 in total)
  • Two, 90-minute online group working sessions each month, held on the 2nd & 3rd Wednesdays. (6 in total)
  • An online community where knowledge can be shared openly regarding your product design process and ask questions, etc.
  • Connect with me via Slack from 11-3 pm ET Monday – Thursday
  • Assistance with creating your product launch email marketing campaignSmall Group, personalized attention
  • Limited to a max of 10 people per mastermind cohort (small group personalized attention)
  • 20% discount on the Kajabi maintenance package offered by The Cheryl Cooper
  • Lifetime access to the Getting IT Done With Kajabi Community
  • A free copy of The Coaches Toolkit ~ Product Launch workbook
  • Bonus: pop-up online business education sessions held by Cheryl & special guests, to teach about online marketing, and how to use PLR + AI to create content for landing pages, websites, social media, etc.
  • Join by January 6, 2025: Free copy of the entire Coaches Toolkit Bundle (5 workbooks)


Not Sure This Is Right For You?  

Or stuck trying to figure out what direction you want to take your business in?  Let's connect for a quick conversation and explore how I can assist you with growing your business!  

Book A Free Consultation